Brain Based PT Services Include the Option of:
Available Services After Initial Assessment
Individual therapy appointments using a multi-dimensional approach to treatment after an initial evaluation. Please note, individual therapy sessions that incorporate hippotherapy (equine movement) are scheduled through a nonprofit organization called RISE Rehab
and are dependent on availability. For clients interested in therapy with a focus on incorporating equine movement, information can be found at riserehab.org
(including Tomatis® Listening program if clinically indicated)
Brain Based PT Intensives use a multi-dimensional treatment approach with the option of
sensorineural auditory stimulation using the Tomatis® Listening Program coordinated with
Soundsory®, Forbrain® and therapeutic movement targeting the neuroplastic potential
of the brain. The use of the Tomatis® requires a minimum of fourteen consecutive
day of treatment. Intensives are one or two week daily sessions
averaging 1.5 hours Monday through Friday.
Brain Based PT Intensives use a multi-dimensional treatment approach with the option of
sensorineural auditory stimulation using the Tomatis® Method coordinated with Soundsory®,
Forbrain® and therapeutic movement targeting the neuroplastic potential of the brain. The
use of the Tomatis® requires a minimum of fourteen consecutive days of treatment.
Intensives coordinated with Hippotherapy are one or two week daily sessions
averaging 1.5 hours Monday through Friday and three afternoon sessions a
week incorporating hippotherapy through riserehab.org.
Coordinated with Hippotherapy
(including Tomatis® Listening program if clinically indicated)
The Tomatis® Method can be incorporated as a stand alone treatment. One Tomatis® session
is fourteen consecutive days of treatment up to 80 minutes once per day. A complete
program consists of three sessions with calculated breaks in between sessions.
Payment is due in full before each two week intensive session.
Brain Based Comprehensive Program is a customized multidisciplinary, developmental approach to therapy offered in three phases of treatment, each six months in duration. The treatment schedule includes weeks of intense therapy followed by weeks of less intense activities. The average
frequency and duration is 3 times a week for at least two hours per session, however
specific recommendations will be made after the initial assessment.

The Foundational Phase targets regulation and engagement at an age appropriate level. Developmental gaps are identified and supported in order to build a solid foundation for long term carry over and acquired skill. The Brain Based Program includes impairment specific support which can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy using all appropriate therapeutic methods available at Brain based PT. Often emphasized at this stage is sensorineural auditory stimulation using technology including the Tomatis® Method coordinated with Soundsory®, Forbrain®, and neuromotor therapeutic exercise, DIR/Floortime work, reflex integration, and visual motor integration. Hippotherapy is incorporated in Phase 1 following the sets of two week intense auditory stimulation sessions. A re-assessment is performed at the end of six months with appropriate recommendations.

The Learning Phase continues developmental growth building up from an individual’s ability to self regulate and engage with others in a two way purposeful interaction and includes new learning opportunities, complex social problem solving, skill acquisition and executive functioning using the methods available at Brain Based PT which can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy using all appropriate therapeutic methods available at Brain Based PT. Methods used in Phase 2 often include sensorineural auditory stimulation using technology including the Tomatis® Method coordinated with Soundsory®, Forbrain®, and neuromotor therapeutic exercise, hippotherapy, and DIR/Floortime work. Timing, rhythm and coordination are often addressed using the Bal-A-Vis-X exercises and Interactive Metronome. A re-assessment is performed at the end of six months with appropriate recommendations.

If a Phase 3 is recommended, impairments and individual goals will be addressed specifically using the methods available at Brain Based PT. Appropriate referrals can be made for additional services including counseling, tutoring and educational support. Therapists at Brain Based PT can assist with transition of recommendations to the home or school environment during this phase upon request.